De', waktu Sabtu kemarin teteh sempat ngobrol sama papanya Harry. Katanya kamu itu anak yang murah senyum dan selain itu kamu jago futsal, seorang penyerang yang hebat. Wah...wah...wah...rasanya teteh ingin sekali menyampaikan langsung berita ini ke kamu tapi sayangnya hal itu dah gak mungkin lagi ya De'...
Semalam ada klub favorit kita loch! Juventus tea! Teteh cuma bisa sms-an sama bunda yang juga lagi nonton kesebelasan favorit adik lelaki kesayangannya bertanding melalui layar televisi di rumahnya. Dua orang tetehmu semalam sangat merindukanmu.....
Tadi teteh baru aja baca blog salah satu teman sekelasmu Ghea, ni teteh kutipin ya apa kata Gea tentang kamu:

"Gue baru kenal dia dikelas 11 ini. Tapi ngebekas banget di ingatan gue. He is such a good boy. Cowok baik dalam arti sebenarnya. Rahar kalo ngomong sama cewek pasti ga pernah kasar, sama temen cowok aja ga pernah tuh kayaknya sampe yang marah ngebentak atau ngatain. Rasanya baru kemarin dia bantuin ngehias kelas buat acara Muharaman. Biasanya cowok kan ogah banget bantu-bantu urusan gituan. Dia asik banget motong-motong stereofoam pake cutter trus dibentuk bulan bintang, trus ditaruh deh di atas mesjid stereofoam yang kita tempel di tembok. Rahar tuh yang ngebikin kelas 11is2 jadi hidup. Soalnya dia yang rajin nanya-nanya pas guru nerangin. Rasanya baru kemarin dia dengan suka rela tunjuk tangan buat presentasi geografi. Rasanya baru kemarin dia dengan suka rela maju paling pertama pas tes praktek silat pelajaran olahraga. Rasanya kemarin dia masih senyam senyum biasa aja kok. Kenapa lo cepet banget pergi sih? Har, nanti jangan lupa tunjuk tangan yang tinggi har pas ditanya malaikat siapa yang mau masuk ke surga.."
Tanpa terasa air mata ini mengalir kembali...tetapi bukan karena teteh sedih tetapi karena bangga akan dirimu sayang :-) Semasa hidupmu, kamu mampu menggoreskan begitu banyak kenangan indah di hampir setiap orang yang pernah kenal denganmu (n_n) I'm so proud if u bro!
Bekasi Mendung,
16 Feb.2009
Yang mencintaimu
4 komentar:
If I die tonight
What would I do
On my last day
I know I'd wake early
In the morn' for crack
Of dawn's last pray
Then prolly go for breakfast
Like I used to do
Fried my motor cycle
And watch my favorite club on tv
With my boo
And friends from way back
Neighborhood homies
Extended fam
They only know me
As that same cat
With that shaved head
Rocking Cross Colors
Sneaks to school
Writin' rhymes at the back of class
Playing tricks on fools
Then I'd come back to the crib
Tidy up a bit
Y'all know my room's messy
Though classy
Start arrange my ish
Line up my shoes one by one
Start with Jordans
And end with them Air Force Ones
Put a Post-it on the tongue
Of each one
With the name of each dun
I think I know my homies
And who would want which one
Get on the phone
And holla' at everybody
It's nearly noon
Gots to have lunch
With the family
Then spend the last day
I don't know
Try do a million other things
Hoping somehow
Time will slow
I guess what
I'm trying to say is
Take everyday
Like it was your last
Work towards your dreams
Before you pass
And have a blast
While you at it
'Cause we don't know
When we go
So make the best of it
Just keep it real to yourself
And to all people
If y'all lost somebody before
Remember there'll be a sequel
If I die tonight
You know it'll be alright
Just smile for me
Reminisce the fond memories
Well if I die tonight
I wonder
Where I'll be tomorrow
Nobody cry please
Push away the sorrow
'Cause I ain't been
The best of men
The best of friends
The best of sisters
The best of mom
And daddy's last son
The best of anything
Tell Joe here's a last one
If I die tonight
Would I be forgiven
By all the people
I been slackin' with
When I was livin'?
Those who I hurt their hearts
Took advantage of
And even lied to
Hug you one last time
For forgiveness
Yeah I would like to
If I die tonight
Would you feel the loss?
Tomorrow would you dial
My number by accident
Then suddenly... pause?
If I die tonight
I wonder who would get
To keep my caps and shoes
Jerseys, even my little
Stuffed crocodile Coco too
Get my cell phone
Message everyone from A to Z
Tell 'em this ain't Malique
He passed away last night
And pray he rest in peace
If I die tonight
Would you think of my room
When you see blue
Wanted to clean it up this morning
But then I never knew
If I die tonight
What would happen to Tim
How long would it take
Before she kissed another man?...
God damn...
At fast food joints
Would she still order
The same combo meal for two?
Things I wish I knew...
If I die tonight
You know it'll be alright
Just smile for me
Reminisce the fond memories
Too Phat-if i die tonight
Sorry, just read ur question previous post... nope, we haven't known each other, sis... salam kenal yaa :) So, mulai sekarang kita udah kenalan niyh :D
memberikan kesan baik, terhadap orang yg dikenal maupun engga dikenal.
aku slah satunya.
mungkin gw ga bakal tau ada orang yg bernama rahardian rachmat rizky, kalo ga ada 'kejadian' ini.
tapi tau kenapa gw ikut ngerasa kehilangan.
baik baik disana ya.
2 bila --> terima kasih atas note kamu di facebook tentang ade q :-)
2 tea --> nice 2 know u, sis!
2 rijal --> i try 2 smile again :-)
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