For the last two days I've been busy dealing complaints from few employees at work. It has something to do with money. They couldn't accept company policy about allowance. They wanted the same amount as their take home pay which was impossible coz that didn't suit with the contract. As far as I remember I have told about it since a year ago. Since I joined with this company I've made that clear to every employee whom work for us. Beside, it was written on the contract so every employee should've read it.
Despite the fact that it was written on the contract, some of them didn't read it and acted according to their own wishes. They assaulted me by text and phone calls. They even dare to assault me verbally in front of other employees. They said I didn't socialize the rule. In short, they put the blame on me for cutting their allowance. Last night I've explained everything to those whom objected with the policy. I've answered all the questions they gave to me. I even managed to repress my anger and forced myself to behave as a mature. I thought things were clear so I went home and enjoyed the rest of the night with my beloved family.
Well...I guessed I was wrong. Things didn't always happen as my wish. Very early in the morning I received a text which made my cried because it upsed me so much that I wished I never read it. It said: "Aslm. Bu Rika, mhn maaf ya! Sy dn teman2 ......mrsa masalah THR blom slsai!!! Qt hrs ktmu lg lusa..thnx". In my oppinion by sending that text they've crossed the line. I was mad at that time and hurt in the inside. How could they do that to me.... How could they treated me so rude...I thought we were friends...I thought they respect me as their leader...etc....
I decided to speak with my boss to help me handle this thing. Though I tried so hard but I failed...I broke down and cried...I was hurt and still couldn't accept it. My boss said they would handle this problem and I should not worry about it. This had happened before 2 years ago and they did the same to her. Gosh...this is crazy!
I asked some of my friends about this problem and most of them agreed with me. I've done nothing wrong and I should stick to the rule. I learned something from it. I learned to make boundaries at work. I have to be more firm and stay a distance. This is a preemptive so I won't get hurt in the future. Leave the stress at work and enjoy my moment with the ones I love.
Kelly Clarkson said: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger :D
Bekasi, August 12, 2012
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